Koningsbos Accountants is an organisation of experienced chartered accountants able to support organisations in all aspects of financiel administration. Our chartered accounts acquired their experience and training at the 'big four' firms, complemented bij specific experience in business, including business abroad. This enables us to provide quality service in a wide range of dsiciplines in our professional field.

Continuing education and, if necessary, the use of a wide network of experts, allows us to offer our clients an up-to-date full-service concept and quarantee the level of our service.

It goes without saying our employees are specialised in completion of the accounting systems, accounting assistance and the coordination of start-up of new entities with all legal/fiscal and material aspects.

There are three areas of expertise within Koningsbos Accountants:

  1. Audit and certification of financial accounting
  2. Quick scans of a company's financial situation
  3. Economic analyses and advice
  4. Administrative services


1. Audit and certification of financial statements

The primary task of chartered accountants is to audit and certify financial accounts in a broad sense. The activities of a chartered accountant regarding the annual accounts of a company depends on legal size criteria. Koningsbos Accountants does not carry out legal audits.

In addition to the legal audit requirement, a statement or certification issued by us can provide additional assurance to annual accounts for external participants such as financial institutions (banks, holding companies and shareholders), institutions (tax authorities and business associations), and relations (customers and suppliers).

An auditor's report can relate to the annual accounts or a specific subject or sub-area (subsidy, circulation, business insurance, hiring in staff, etc.).

The degree of certainty that can be derived from a statement or certification issued by us depends on the assignment given, the work performed by us and the existing administrative organization on which the relevant financial accountability is based.


2. Quick scans of a company's financial situation

Koningsbos Accountants background means that years of experience have been acquired in quickly investigating companies and detecting economic or administrative/organisational problems withn the organisation in question. The result of investigating an organisation is that our clients are quickly provided with further insight into a company's financial situation. This allows clients to view suck things as the coverage position in terms of the credit ffacility provided. In addition to quick scans of the company's current financial situation, futere cash flow is also reviewed by setting up a cash flow forecast or assessing a forecast compiled by management. Further to these aspects, other facets of the company's operations may be revealed, giving more control over the company's cost structure, for example.

These quick scans are carried out in a structured manner using work programmes at our offices. Based on a brief initial discussion with the client, a list of required information is compiled, to be gathered by the client in advance. This enables us to investigate efficiently and relieve the burden of the company to be reviewed as much as possible. the results of our review lead to a report providing answers to the questions posed by the client or eliminating the client's doubts. The resultst of the review are set out in a report issued primarily to you as the clietn.

We caryy out the above work for financiers, directors, shareholders and trustees who question the information they are given in terms of assurances received or multi-annual budgets and cash flow forecasts.


3. Economic analyses and advice

Throug specific training and pratical experience acquired, Koningsbos Accountants is experienced in company valuations (using the DCF method). These valuations are often used when activities are incorporated in a company or in the event of a merger or acquisition. Based on discussions, information obtained and evaluation/correction or creation of projections and cash flow forecasts, we will compile a valuation report that can be used as the basis for input or further negotiation. In today's rapidly changing society, organisations may increasingly encounter a dynamic environment with ever greater demands on the functioning of the organisation itself.

Koningsbos Accountants offers support and pratical advice on:

  • setting up or managing business plans
  • managing start-up companies
  • evaluating and/or setting up financial administration, administrative organisations and business processes
  • evaluating and/or setting up management information systems
  • evaluating and/or setting up result and cash flow forecasts

Our advice is attuned to the needs of the client. The basis is transferring knowledge, so that the company willb e able in futere to achieve its goals indepently.


4. Administrative services

Koningsbos Accountants has several years of pratical experience when it comes to accounting. Quality, flexibility and commitment is offered to entrepeneurs in smal and medium-sized enterprise and free professional practitioners. We take a lot of work out of your hands and advise you in the field of business economical, tax and administrative matters.

Koningsbos Accountants could support you in the field of:

  • doing your accounting
  • doing your annual accounts and (interim) financial reports
  • filing your tax returns for income tax, corporation tax, pay-roll tax and value addes tax
  • setting up your accounting
  • solving your accounting problems
  • preparing of forecasts for e.g., credit applications
  • tax and financial advise (especially for starting entrepreneurs

Our advice is attuned to the needs of the client.