In modern society organisations are increasingly being confronted with a dynamic environment which continuosly sets higher standards to the functioning of the organisation itselfs.

Adequate anticipation to these developments, means a constant need for knowledge and understanding of the quality of the organisation and the way in which she controls her business process. The public interest is paramount here.

Koningsbos Accountants has all round advisors to her disposal who can support you in this and who can give you pratical advise. Advise that is tuned to the customers' needs, where communication and the joint search for improvement comes first.

Koningsbos Accountants is a young, nationwide active, organiation of chartered accountants which looks to the future together with you.

If you would have any further enquiries after visiting our website, please do not hestitate to contact us.

Koningsbos Accountants B.V.



Koningsbos Accountants BV:
- is a member of NBA (The Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants)
- is a member of the SRA (Cooperation of register accountants and administrative consultants)